Columbia Academy Named American Heart Association “Top 25” School

October 15, 2020

Columbia Academy is honored to have been named one of the American Heart Association’s “TOP 25 Schools” in Maryland for the 2019-2020 school year. Each year, we participate in the AHA’s Kids Heart Challenge, which teaches students about heart health while raising funds to protect all hearts – especially other kids’! Through fun activities, students discover ways to take care of their hearts and brains while practicing kindness and gratitude, and learning ways to de-stress. 

During our 2019-2020 Kids Heart Challenge, we far exceeded our goal of $5,500 to raise nearly $8000 for the American Heart Association! Helping students to understand the importance of heart health is of the utmost importance, and Columbia Academy is dedicated to the AHA’s mission of being a relentless force for a world of longer, healthier lives. Columbia Academy embraces the American Heart Association’s mission, and partners with them to educate our students on cardiovascular diseases and prevention, and making better choices to safeguard their health.

For more information on heart health, please visit the American Heart Association’s website.

To learn more about Columbia Academy, contact our Admissions team today at 410-312-5233.


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