2020 Reflections

December 16, 2020

When it comes to this holiday season, there’s so much to reflect upon from the past year. We’ve had ups and downs, moments of struggle, and moments we never wanted to end. So much has happened in our families, our
communities, and around the world. Instead of dwelling on the negative, much of which most of us had little to no control over, focus on the good.

To ensure that 2021 commences on the most positive note possible, it’s important to think of all the good that happened in 2020. Consider sitting down with your loved ones and making a list of all you are thankful for this holiday season from the past year. With many families getting lots of extra family time this year, there should be a lot to think about.

• The experiences and special moments
• The lessons learned
• The good things that happened
• The kindness of others
• The things that made you happy
• The things that made your children happy
• The simplicity of life over the past year
• The resourcefulness you had to show
• The memories that were made
• The strength you found in yourself that you didn’t know you had

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