5 New Early Education Strategies for Modern Educators

These new education strategies are making waves in early childhood education

The world around us is constantly changing, and in the 21st century there are tons of new resources and new advances in education theory that are enabling exciting changes in early childhood education. While most principles of education are remaining unchanged, new learning processes and the incorporation of new tools is making early education more engaging than ever before.

Some of the most popular and most effective new early education strategies include:

  1. Greater Use of Technology. The diversity of tech devices available to us in the modern era is astounding, and many of those devices hold untold potential for use in a learning environment. By using new technology appropriately and sparingly, we can introduce new ideas in more engaging, more innovative ways.
  2. Group-Based Learning Structures. The power of peer collaboration cannot be underestimated. While working together in peer groups, children have the potential to learn new ideas faster and learn as a result of their experiences, rather than as a result of direct instruction. Group-based learning structures also allow for greater social and emotional development.
  3. More Individual Attention. Each child has a different preferred learning style and unique educational needs. Now more than ever, educators are focusing on addressing each child individually, even in group-based classroom settings.
  4. Interdisciplinary Instruction. There’s always been a clear distinction between subjects. For example, reading and science were always viewed as entirely separate learning pillars. In today’s world, those line are beginning to blur, and it’s becoming more important to teach subjects as they bleed into one another.
  5. Focus on Goals Rather Than Curriculum. In a goal-centric learning environment, kids are able to accomplish more and educators have more flexibility to achieve those goals without worrying about adhering to specific lesson formats.

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