Emotionally Preparing for Back-to-School

August 4, 2020

Between online learning last Spring and time away from friends and routines, children will need a little extra support as they head back to school this Fall, whether on campus or online.

It’s important, as parents, for us to address our feelings and our children’s feelings. Children often take cues about how to react from their parents. Talk with your child’s teacher or school about the safety precautions they are taking to help put your mind more at ease if they are returning to campus. If they will be participating in distance learning, focus on the positive aspects, like the opportunity for your child to learn, reconnect with friends during online learning, and interact with others virtually.

Set your expectations before the first day of school, and respect your child’s growing independence. As you explain safety precautions if returning to campus, emphasize how your child’s actions can help keep family, friends, and teachers safe. If your child will be distance learning, focus on what their schedule will be and how their days will be structured.

Celebrate with a special activity or family time. This can help your child mentally adjust to the new routine. Let them know how proud you are of them. Be sure to talk with them each day about what was learned, funny things friends said, all the things that seem small but are so important to your child.

To speak with a member of our Admissions team for more information, call us today at 410.312.5233.

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