Finding Relief From Stress and Coping with Challenging Behavior

June 2, 2020

Finding Relief From Stress And Anxiety In Today’s World

With everything going on in the world today, there are a wide range of experiences and emotions involved. You may be struggling with the frustration, sadness, anger, grief, physical and mental fatigue, and anxiety (among other things).

In all of this, it’s important to remember that it’s okay (and encouraged) to seek help and support. Consider this a time to reflect on who you want to be during this time. Focus on what is within your control. It’s important to stay informed, and it’s also okay to take breaks from conversations, news, and information if you need time to reflect.

Make sure to schedule time for your physical and emotional health by getting regular exercise, plenty of sleep, eating well-balanced meals, and making time to talk with people you trust about how you are feeling.

It’s also important to have fun, participate in activities you enjoy, maintain social connections, and practice stress relieving activities like yoga and mindfulness. It’s okay to set boundaries, even with family members and friends, if you need to.

If you are feeling stress, anxiety, or depression, talk with your doctor right away. Additional helpful information can be found at

What to Do When Children Display Challenging Behavior

By remaining calm when your child is engaged in challenging behavior, you will provide the safety and support your child needs. This also allows you to model positive ways of dealing with big emotions.

Stay Calm—Take 3 deep breaths, count to 10 slowly, repeat a positive affirmation.

Connect—Label your child’s feelings and acknowledge them as important, reassure your child and show affection, look for opportunities to celebrate their behavior.

Reflect—What might your child have been feeling? What was their behavior communicating? How do you want to respond if this behavior happens again?

To speak to an Admissions specialist, call us today at 410.312.5233. 


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