Holiday Survival Tips for Parents

December 1, 2020

  1. Don’t overload your family with plans—dedicate time to relax and enjoy these moments. It’s impossible to do everything or please everyone. Many families are spread so thin and pack so much into their holiday schedules that they don’t leave themselves time to relax. Enjoy these moments and take care of yourself. If you are happier and enjoying yourself more, you will spread that joy to the rest of the family.
  2. Be realistic about your budget. The holidays are a time for appreciating loved ones and showing them how much we care. Everywhere we look, stores tell us that the best way to express that love is to spend money, often on big-ticket items that may be out of our budget. Be honest with yourself and your family about your budget. Figure out in advance what you can afford. Make a budget, allocate a designated amount for each gift recipient, and stick to it.
  3. Don’t strive for perfection. Many parents feel pressure to have the perfect holiday celebration as is depicted on television, online, and social media. Added pressure to recreate some of your own childhood holiday traditions can compound that feeling. Give yourself grace and recognize that things don’t have to be perfect for them to be memorable and fun. Your holidays can be perfectly imperfect and you can create new memories and traditions your family will treasure.
  4. Don’t compare your holiday experience with anyone else’s. If you spend time on social media, it may seem every parent is “doing it all” during the holidays. This sends unhealthy messages and can lead to parents feeling “less than” if they are unable to recreate those picture-perfect moments with their families. Comparing your family to others contributes enormously to holiday stress. Try cutting out social media during the holidays and set realistic expectations.

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