How Music and Movement Promote Development and Learning

September 29, 2020

Music and movement play an important role in healthy child development, and they have many benefits. Children need to be able to move their bodies to prepare their brains for learning. Children naturally love music and will begin reacting to it at an early age. Whether it’s soft and soothing or upbeat and uplifting, children feel it physically and emotionally. When children take part in music and movement activities, it allows them to be creative and burn off energy.

Singing can help make routine activities and transitions smoother and more enjoyable, and music helps to set a mood. Quiet, soothing music calms and relaxes children, while a lively tune re-energizes them for clean-up time. Music and movement are also social activities that help children feel a part of the group.

Other benefits of music and movement include development of fine and gross motor skills, learning to express emotions, and improving balance and coordination. Research shows that exposure to music can also improve a child’s ability to learn by sharpening memory and cognitive development.

Self esteem and social skills are also improved, as music and movement in the classroom encourages communication, trust, teamwork, and positive social interactions with other children.

Including movement in the classroom helps to keep children fit and active from a young age, and helps improve their flexibility, body awareness, muscle strength, and balance. Music and movement allow them to have fun while doing so. Let’s encourage children to keep dancing, singing, and moving!

Call our Admissions team today at 410-312-5233 to learn more about our programs.


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