Preparing Your Child For Preschool

June 1, 2021

Preschool is a big step in a child’s life! Whether they are starting with a half day program or jumping right into a full-day program, here are a few ways you can help your child prepare this summer for the transition to preschool.

1. Visit the School—It is crucial for children to feel comfortable and familiar with their new surroundings. Setting up a tour, whether virtual or in-person, is a great way for your child to see the classroom and meet the teacher.

2. Establish Routines—Setting and sticking to routines are very important for children during the school year. Practicing routines is essential—picking out clothes, brushing teeth, and checking backpacks to make sure everything your child needs for school is in it.

3. Visit the Library—There are many books about going to preschool available at your local library. Choose several to share with your child during the summer to help promote a dialogue about how they are feeling.

4. Talk openly about and acknowledge feelings—It’s important to let your child know that their worries have been heard. No matter what their worries are, big or small, children’s worries about preschool can significantly influence their experience there. Will you remember to pick them up after school? Will their teacher be nice? Let your child know it’s normal to feel scared, sad, worried, excited, or happy. If your child is worried about missing you, send a picture of your family to school for your child to keep in their cubby.

5. Encourage Independence—Preschool marks a huge develop-mental milestone for your child, with more focus on independence such as hand-washing, using the potty, putting on shoes, and eating meals independently with utensils at the table.

6. Take Advantage of Teachable Moments—Curiosity is infinite in young children, which offers many opportunities for teachable moments, which can help a child learn about empathy.

7. Visit the Playground—Take your child to visit the playground at their new school before they start the program so they can see the space (be sure to check with the school first to see if you can stop by to show the playground to your child). This will help your child feel comfortable and confident in an otherwise unfamiliar place.

For information about our preschool program, please contact our Admissions team at 410.312.5233.

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