Three Must-Haves In Any Daycare Facility

What early child care facility is best for your child? Look for places that are strictly clean, and places that promote healthy, outdoor day care activities.

It goes without saying that parents want the best for their children, but what is “the best?” That’s a good question — and one parents are continually trying to answer, especially when it comes to quality child care facilities. With children spending 36 hours and more in early child care, it is important to find a public or private child care center that will nurture your child in the best possible way. Here are a few essentials to look for:

  • A Firm Sick Day Policy
    The need for reliable child care is great — with over 11 million children under age five with working mothers. Even so, the well-being of all children should be facilities’ top priority, and germs spread quickly in early child care environments. “Good centers help cut down on illness by requiring all children and employees to have current immunizations and regular checkups,” Baby Center advises. Similarly, these centers also clearly outline what illnesses and ailments will and will not require you to keep your child at home.
  • Plenty Of Outdoor Activities
    Childhood obesity is becoming an increasingly prevalent problem, with one in three American children now obese. That means it is time for schools and day care businesses to start focusing on physical, as well as mental and intellectual, health. Select facilities that offer plenty of outdoor activities and plenty of day care activities that encourage dynamic movement. The right centers will also make this fun, encouraging running, swimming, skipping, dancing, and sports to keep kids active.
  • A Perfectly Clean Environment
    Active and plentiful daycare activities are important, but they’re not enough on their own. It is also vitally important that facilities are clean — and there’s a pretty good chance that, if rooms and play areas are not clean when you visit, they won’t be clean when your child attends. Make cleanliness a top priority to keep your child healthy and safe.

Selecting a daycare can be a difficult decision. Narrow it down by choosing a clean facility, with a strict sick day policy and plenty of physical and outdoor day care activities.

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