Words of Gratitude from a Parent

Dave and I wanted to take a moment to let you know that Cara could not be luckier to have Ms. Lindsey and Ms. Theresa as her teachers. Although Ms. Ariel is not Cara’s official teacher, Cara often plays with her throughout the day is just loves interacting and playing with her and giving her kisses. These three ladies are truly the backbone of the infant rooms at Columbia Academy. They are organized, detail-oriented, and genuinely love each one of their kids. They consistently go out of their way to care for Cara, to make her laugh, and to make sure that she feels loved and is having a great day.

As you can imagine, it’s hard to leave your little one when they are just weeks old, to return to work. Having had time to reflect on how quickly this year has passed, we realize that we don’t feel as though I’m leaving Cara “at school”, but feel as though we’re leaving Cara with family. We are truly blessed to have Lindsey, Theresa, and Ariel in our lives. Cara is even luckier to get to spend each day with them.

Please pass along this note of gratitude to them. They truly are making a difference each day.

Warmest regards,
Dave and Megan

PS. As a side note, I have been particularly impressed with the manner in which they seamlessly transitioned to the use of the Life Cubby account, which can be trick to implement with a room full of little ones wandering around. 

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