Enrollment for the 2021-22 school year is now open at Columbia Academy Elementary and Middle School! 

December 22, 2020 Enrollment for the 2021-22 school year is now open at Columbia Academy Elementary and Middle School!  We expect spaces to fill up quickly and encourage you to apply today. There are so many new and exciting experiences awaiting your child at Columbia Academy! Across campus, students continue to collaborate with one another and…

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Making a Difference in 2021

December 22, 2020 The New Year is a great opportunity to make positive changes that will impact you, your family, and your community.  There are lots of wonderful ways you can make a difference in 2021, and involve your children in being a positive force of change in your family and local community: Take care…

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2020 Reflections

December 16, 2020 When it comes to this holiday season, there’s so much to reflect upon from the past year. We’ve had ups and downs, moments of struggle, and moments we never wanted to end. So much has happened in our families, our communities, and around the world. Instead of dwelling on the negative, much…

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The Effects of COVID-19 on Young Learners

December 10, 2020 This school year started off with a bit of uncertainty for everyone. Many schools were and still are closed for in-person instruction. In a recent USA Today article, experts agreed that the COVID-19 pandemic means more preschool-aged children will not be ready for kindergarten. Why? Many parents report that their children no…

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Holiday Survival Tips for Parents

December 1, 2020 Don’t overload your family with plans—dedicate time to relax and enjoy these moments. It’s impossible to do everything or please everyone. Many families are spread so thin and pack so much into their holiday schedules that they don’t leave themselves time to relax. Enjoy these moments and take care of yourself. If…

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Staying Healthy and Fit When You’re Always On The Go

November 24, 2020 When you’re constantly on the go and trying to juggle the demands of work, family, and school, it’s often hard to take good care of yourself. Here are some tips on how to stay healthy and fit during these busy, stressful times: When you can, take the stairs instead of the elevator…

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Thanksgiving Fun for the Whole Family

November 16, 2020 With many families keeping things small and not gathering with extended family this holiday season, you may be looking for ways to entertain your children while making some fun and unforgettable family memories. We’ve put together some ideas that are sure to keep the whole family entertained: Bake and decorate cookies together.…

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Teaching Children the Value of Gratitude

November 4, 2020 Thanksgiving Day is much more than a great meal and watching football—it is a day for us to feel truly grateful for all that we have in our lives. The benefits of gratitude are numerous for everyone. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, appreciate good experiences, improve physical and mental health,…

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